K L Crear

I always wanted to write. I remember as a child I would look forward to getting home from Middle School so that I could write my stories and get lost in my own little worlds. Sadly, as I grew older, I lost my courage to write, put my notebook away and there it remained for many decades.

After being diagnosed with cancer for a second time I knew if I was going to make my childhood dreams a reality, I would really need to get my skates on! Not literally of course as I have two left feet and could trip over my own shadow.

After writing the successful “Playing with Fire – The True Story of Fireman Scam” with my twin sister, detailing a very difficult few years in our lives I knew writing was still what I really loved to do.

A children’s book I wrote at ten years of age is being faithfully recreated (some 40 years later) and is due to be published soon. I’m so excited by this, it will be amazing for children everywhere to get to know “Humphrey” after all these years.

The first novel in my “Teapots and Tequila shots” series is “The Reinvention of Lottie Potts.” This series will concentrate on strong female friendships. Women in their thirties, forties and older encountering all the ups and downs of modern-day life. With plenty of tears, tequila, and cheeky humour along the way.

Two thirds of profits from the sales of “The Reinvention of Lottie Potts” and a portion of profits from sales of all further books in the series will be donated to Great Ormond Street Hospital and Epilepsy Society.


The Reinvention of Lottie Potts
Lila Glover Wants a Lover
Evelyn Weaver is a Later Life Diva
Playing with Fire
Healing From The Burns
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